Personal training services for those who want to engage body and mind.

Feeling motivated?

Good, use it to take your next step, but don’t count on it further than that. Motivation is fleeting, discipline and habits are dependable.

How do you cultivate discipline? What habits are you looking to develop? And how can you tell that you’re progressing correctly? That’s where I can help.

I’m not a cheerleader, and I’m not a drill sergeant. I’m an educator. Together, we’ll find an evidence-based approach to reach your goals and get over obstacles.

We’ll ensure you’re able to move well and without pain, then we’ll push the intensity. Every workout will build off the last, always with a focus to keep the format engaging and interesting — after all, are you really going to stick with anything if it’s not fun?

Our bodies are more than vehicles to carry our brains from room to room. Bodies and minds are intrinsically connected; a good workout will take focus, make demands of your central nervous system, and reinforce neural pathways that will be easier to tap into in the future.

Neuroplasticity: that’s the reason practice works. It’s the reason why we stress good form with every repetition. We can change the structure of our brain not just through movement, but thought patterns as well!

This doesn’t even begin to mention all of the good hormones that are released with workouts — improvements to gut health and stress levels have been shown through research.

Don’t just flex your body, flex your brain as well!

Back to you.

How do you want to feel in a month? A year? Five years? They say the best time to plant a tree was yesterday, the second best time is today.

So think about your goals, make them challenging and achievable, and don’t beat yourself up if you stray from the path. Celebrate your successes more than you mourn your defeats.

I actually don’t want to train you forever. I want to give you the tools so you can do this on your own, and even pass on your knowledge to those around you. It brings me great joy to see clients go out on their own and start to be their own trainer. It takes time, but we’ll get there.

Send me an email so we can chat about it. Plant your tree.